
"Stargazing" is a captivating artwork that seamlessly blends the ethereal beauty of a girl with the vast wonders of the cosmos. In this mesmerizing piece, the girl's side profile takes centre stage, her expressive eye captivating the viewer with a sense of wonder.

What makes this artwork truly enchanting is the surreal transformation of her face, replaced by a breathtaking cosmic scene. A vibrant galaxy unfolds in place of her separated face, featuring a celestial dance of nebulae, comets, stars, black holes, and space clouds. The cosmic palette weaves together shades of purple, orange, blue, pink, and violet, creating a mesmerizing display of otherworldly hues.

The girl's body emerges gracefully from billowing clouds, adding a dreamlike quality to the composition. The background, transitioning from a warm peach at the bottom to a serene light blue at the top, provides a harmonious backdrop for the celestial spectacle.

"Stargazing" invites viewers to contemplate the harmonious coexistence of the earthly and cosmic realms, offering a visual metaphor for the boundless wonders that exist both within and beyond ourselves. It's a celebration of the interconnectedness of the human spirit with the vast mysteries of the universe.


The Heart


Medusa's Embrace